Early Intervention Evaluation, Assessment, and Eligibility Determination - 3 hours (0.3 CEUs)

Welcome to Early Intervention Evaluation, Assessment, and Eligibility Determination, the fourth in a series of trainings in the field of early intervention offered by the New York State Department of Health’s Division of Family Health, Bureau of Early Intervention. In this course, you will learn about the regulatory requirements and responsibilities of providers who are tasked with assisting families from the time their child is referred to the Program through determination of their child's eligibility for the EIP.

This course includes a combination of video instruction, activities, and checks for understanding (tests). Throughout the course, we've also posted resource materials for your reference. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO READ THROUGH THESE DOCUMENTS IN THEIR ENTIRETY, but you may review and/or download any of them if you wish.

After successfully completing all components of the course (including the post-course survey) you will receiving a downloadable certificate of completion. If you have already earned a certificate of completion for this course either in a live or self-paced format IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, you cannot retake it and receive professional development credits.
  • Section 1
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 1 Part 1 - video instruction
  • Quincy S. Pre-Training Self Assessment.pdf
  • EI Provider Agreement.pdf
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 1 Part 2 - video instruction
  • Memorandum_2005-02.pdf
  • Addendum to Early Intervention Guidance Memorandum 2005-2.pdf
  • EI Steps A Parents Basic Guide to the EIP.pdf
  • Referral Procedures for the Early Intervention Program.pdf
  • EI Program Referral form.pdf
  • EIP List of Developmental Assessment Instruments May 2023
  • CAPTA letter.pdf
  • Section 2
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 2 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 3
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Clinical Guidelines Communication Disorders.pdf
  • Memorandum 1999-2.pdf
  • Section 4
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 4 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 5
  • E&E - Module 1 Section 5 - video instruction
  • Section 6
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 1 - video instruction
  • Section 7
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 2 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 8
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Section 9
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 4 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 10
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 5 Part 1 - video instruction
  • Whose Role is It.pdf
  • E&E - Module 2 Section 5 Part 2 - video instruction
  • Section 11
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 1 - video instruction
  • Engaging Families as Partners in their Childs Assessment Checklist.pdf
  • Section 12
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 2 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 13
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Section 14
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 4 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 15
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 5 - video instruction
  • Evaluation Essentials Chart.pdf
  • Section 16
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 6 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 17
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 7 - video instruction
  • Section 18
  • E&E - Module 3 Section 8 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 19
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 1 - video instruction
  • Methods of Data Collection.pdf
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Autism.pdf
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Down Syndrome.pdf
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Hearing Loss.pdf
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Motor Disorders.pdf
  • Clinical Practice Guideline Vision Impairment.pdf
  • Family-Directed Assessment Tools.pdf
  • Family-Directed Assessment Form.pdf
  • Additional Examples of Family Assessment Questions.pdf
  • Section 20
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 2 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 21
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Types of Evaluation Instruments.pdf
  • Glossary of Terms.pdf
  • Normal Distribution.pdf
  • Section 22
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 4 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 23
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 5 - video instruction
  • Scoring Dos and Donts.pdf
  • What Test Should I Use.pdf
  • Section 24
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 6 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 25
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 7 - video instruction
  • NECTAC Informed Clinical Opinion.pdf
  • Informed Clinical Reasoning 2018.pdf
  • Section 26
  • E&E - Module 4 Section 8 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 27
  • E&E - Module 5 Section 1 - video instruction
  • Section 28
  • E&E - Module 5 Section 2- Check for Understanding
  • Section 29
  • E&E - Module 5 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Necessary Components to Include in an Evaluation Report.pdf
  • Section 30
  • E&E - Module 5 Section 4 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 31
  • E&E - Module 6 Section 1 - video instruction
  • Early Intervention Mediation - Conversations for Empowered Solutions.pdf
  • Section 32
  • E&E - Module 6 Section 2 - Check for Understanding
  • Section 33
  • E&E Module 6 Section 3 - video instruction
  • Section 34
  • E&E - post-course survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever